Tuesday, February 1, 2011


ok so raising 3 girls in today's society of "beauty is everything" has really been making me anxious lately.......i was fairly confident i could instill 1 daughter with a sound understanding that you need to take care of yourself and your body, yes, but that it's totally not everything.......that your brains, what's inside your heart, and how you treat others are equally, if not more, important things to cultivate.......but teaching 3 girls that and hoping they'll all end up as grown women with self-confidence, good healthy habits, smarts (both book and street), with a kind, good-hearted, humble disposition is more than i feel i can ask for.......there's so much around us that can lead to materialism, body image distortion, eating disorders, and superficiality that it seems nearly impossible that they'll all end up avoiding all that.......and by the time you realize something's wrong, the damage is done and it's really hard to repair!.......steve says there's just as much pressure in today's society for boys/young men, and i'm sure there's some, but i think it's a lot more with girls/young women......i just pray that steve and i will be able to help guide them to rise above all that and know what's really important.......

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