molly officially said "mama" for the first time last week - although i'm going to pretend that her trend of only saying it when she's really pissed is just coincidental.......
she also officially said "dada" yesterday, and no, it was not said in the midst of a screaming fit - she said that one in a calm playful manner.......hmm.......=)
today molly clapped for the first time ever - it might've been the cutest thing i've ever seen......i'm not even sure i remember when casey clapped for the first time, but molly was so crazy proud of herself it was hysterical......
molly is totally the official most chill baby on the planet - she's fine with pretty much anything......she handles restaurants fine......she handles casey fine......she handles sleeping fine......really the only thing that gets her mad is teething......
speaking of, this child now has 6 teeth.......yes, she is only 8 1/2 months old.......casey was nearing 2 years old when she had 6 teeth (kidding, well sort of - it was definitely well after a year though!).......amazingly having all those teeth really doesn't affect breastfeeding at all.......when she got her first couple teeth it was worse - i think she was just getting used to the sensation of biting - same phase when she would grind her teeth a lot.......but now she's used to it and it really isn't painful at all like i expected it to be.......
i'm shocked that i've been able to stick with the breastfeeding so long.......true for about a month now i've been supplementing with formula (bottles are 1/2 breastmilk and 1/2 formula) because my milk production hasn't been great, but at least she's still getting some of the nutrients and whatnot that they claim is ideal for the first year......and it saves a ton of money - formula's crazy expensive.......we haven't even gotten through one can yet, so i'm psyched about that......
hmm, what else is new on the molly front?.......oh well, she started crawling about 2 months ago, and now she's pulling herself up with ease and "cruising" - walking while holding on.......she can stand with one hand on something and a toy in the other hand.......we're working on standing without holding on, but she's not quite there yet.......
i swear casey is her favorite person in the whole world though.......the two of them will giggle at each other for full minutes.......it's really hysterical.......molly likes to grab whatever is in casey's hands......which results in casey grabbing/pulling it back, but more often than not casey will go get molly something different to play with and they'll enjoy a few minutes of playing next to each other.......of course there are plenty of "leave your sister alone" moments, but the times when they play together are really awesome......
molly looks so much like steve it's nutso......if steve was a baby girl, that's what he'd look like......funny though his baby pics don't look like her........she looks like he does now if that makes any sense.......her expressions, especially her little 1/2 smile thing she does, are all him.......i would've thought i'd be a bit jealous of that, but i'm totally not - it's neat that she looks so much like him......of course he doesn't see it, but everyone says so, so it's not just me!.......
and molly's just learning how to splash and it's definitely her favorite thing to do in the water.......in swim class everyone around us gets wet........in the bathtub, the kitchen floor gets soaked.......it's really funny how much she likes it......
anyway, i guess that's about it for molly updates for now!......
1 comment:
She's so cute and so big! I miss getting to watch her grow up, but at least I get to see pictures!
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