well i'm a little late in posting this, but we've had our hands full lately.......
back on the 14th casey celebrated her 2nd birthday!......it was on a sunday and steve flew back from his vegas poker trip that morning.......we picked him up at the T and then had a very nice birthday breakfast at mckays......then the birthday girl had a 3 hour nap - plenty of beauty sleep that day......steve and i were discussing our evening plans - maybe a trip to the mall play area or one of those paint your own pottery places or chuck e cheese - when we realized our basement was starting to flood......not surprising since it had been absolutely POURING (i've never seen rain coming down so hard) for 2 solid days.......so all plans were cancelled in lieu of wet vac'ing up the basement every 30 minutes.......as much as the latter part of the day pretty much sucked for us (figuratively and literally), casey had a great day playing around the house......oh and we ended the night with cupcakes - and really, how can it not be a great day when cupcakes are involved?......here are a couple pictures from her actual birthday......

then we had a birthday party over at steve's parents house the next weekend.......all of steve's aunts were there, his brothers and their families, also mike and ilana, kim and phil, my parents and grandma, beth, and joy all came.......it was a BEAUTIFUL day - sunny and in the high 60s/low 70s.......definitely made up for how awful weather it was on casey's actual birthday.......she loved playing in the yard.......although with all the commotion, she didn't want any pizza or cake.......she did like the pooh decoration on top of the cake at least.......and she loved opening presents - she's definitely got the whole opening gifts thing down pat now.......among her loot was a bunch of bubble toys, a sprinkle pool with slide, an american girl doll, bunch of clothes, some books and some art supplies........here are some pictures from the party......

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