so molly went for her 4 month peditrician appointment yesterday.......her vitals are: 13lb-14oz, 24.5" tall, 41cm head circumference.......i guess babies this age are supposed to have grown 2lb, 2", and 2cm respectively from their 2 month appointment......molly was perfectly on that track which is fantastic......
she got 2 vaccines, which at the time i thought they went fine, but a couple hours later she was a monster......and that monster-ness lasted a full 24 hours before she turned back into regular chill molly.......the leg they put the shots in was clearly bothering her a lot.......she usually always kicks her legs, and only the leg that didn't get the shots was moving.......she freaked out screaming when we even went near the shots leg - unfortunately you kind of need to do that to pick her up, feed her, change her, etc, etc, so it was a looooong day.......oddly enough she slept straight through until 4am (not uncommon for her) but woke up every 30 min thereafter screaming (very uncommon for her)......needless to say both steve and i were pretty exhausted today.......i was thrilled when she seemed to snap out of it around noontime......
we gave her tylenol every 4 hours during the monster-ness which helped somewhat, but i was hoping i could get a few other helpful hints so i called the peditrician this morning.......the nurse suggested ice and also said a few times to just "give her extra love", ok, does that mean you don't think i love my kid enough when she's healthy??......i'm not sure i could love her more than i do.......and even if i could conjure up this extra love, i don't need a doctor's degree to know that really isn't gonna make that leg feel any better.......that comment just served to aggravate me more than make me feel empowered.......
anyway, pediatrician rant aside, molly seems totally over it now......she was super smiley tonight......poor little girl though.......i hate seeing her in so much pain when i can't explain to her why or just kiss it better like i can with casey.......hopefully her 6 month visit will go a little better......
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
head to toe
how is it possible for a baby to be literally covered head to toe after one poop session??......might as well have forgone the diaper for all the good it did containing the mess!!.......yikes!......always a good excuse for a baby bubble bath though......
rollie pollie molly......
it's official......molly can now roll over both ways with extreme ease......happened just after the 4 month mark - well ahead of casey's 6.5 month mark for that achievement......and i swear when she's on her belly, pushing her upper body up and moving her legs like crazy that she's going to be crawling within THAT i'm not quite ready for......
although casey will be over the moon excited once molly starts moving's really hysterical and super cute how they interact together.......casey just loves giving molly "big hugs" and kissing her forehead and feet......molly smiles when casey smiles at her......molly giggles her head off whenever casey laughs......casey cracks up laughing when molly flails her arms and inadvertently whacks her - obviously her blows don't hurt yet, casey just thinks molly's playing with her......i'm just waiting for the day molly pulls her hair like she does mine and casey freaks out......or the day casey steps on molly and molly freaks out......bearing those unforeseen (well foreseen but unavoidable sometimes) times, i'm looking forward to seeing them grow and play together......
although casey will be over the moon excited once molly starts moving's really hysterical and super cute how they interact together.......casey just loves giving molly "big hugs" and kissing her forehead and feet......molly smiles when casey smiles at her......molly giggles her head off whenever casey laughs......casey cracks up laughing when molly flails her arms and inadvertently whacks her - obviously her blows don't hurt yet, casey just thinks molly's playing with her......i'm just waiting for the day molly pulls her hair like she does mine and casey freaks out......or the day casey steps on molly and molly freaks out......bearing those unforeseen (well foreseen but unavoidable sometimes) times, i'm looking forward to seeing them grow and play together......
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
happy birthday casey!.....
well i'm a little late in posting this, but we've had our hands full lately.......
back on the 14th casey celebrated her 2nd birthday! was on a sunday and steve flew back from his vegas poker trip that morning.......we picked him up at the T and then had a very nice birthday breakfast at mckays......then the birthday girl had a 3 hour nap - plenty of beauty sleep that day......steve and i were discussing our evening plans - maybe a trip to the mall play area or one of those paint your own pottery places or chuck e cheese - when we realized our basement was starting to flood......not surprising since it had been absolutely POURING (i've never seen rain coming down so hard) for 2 solid all plans were cancelled in lieu of wet vac'ing up the basement every 30 much as the latter part of the day pretty much sucked for us (figuratively and literally), casey had a great day playing around the house......oh and we ended the night with cupcakes - and really, how can it not be a great day when cupcakes are involved? are a couple pictures from her actual birthday......

then we had a birthday party over at steve's parents house the next weekend.......all of steve's aunts were there, his brothers and their families, also mike and ilana, kim and phil, my parents and grandma, beth, and joy all was a BEAUTIFUL day - sunny and in the high 60s/low 70s.......definitely made up for how awful weather it was on casey's actual birthday.......she loved playing in the yard.......although with all the commotion, she didn't want any pizza or cake.......she did like the pooh decoration on top of the cake at least.......and she loved opening presents - she's definitely got the whole opening gifts thing down pat now.......among her loot was a bunch of bubble toys, a sprinkle pool with slide, an american girl doll, bunch of clothes, some books and some art are some pictures from the party......

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
we've been having some work done on our roof/skylight/chimney over the last 2 weeks.......all the banging seems to only occur during casey's naptime........i can't wait to get back to 2 hour naps without hammering waking casey up early!........
Monday, March 8, 2010
ah spring.......
the last 3 days have been well into the upper 50s/low's been phenomenal.......i really don't like new england winters and while the snow's kinda nice for a little while (especially to make snowmen with casey!) it always feels like more of a pain than anything......and what's worse is the below 30 degree every year when the 50 degree days outnumber the 40 degree ones, you know the spring's upon us........there's typically a week thereafter that temperatures plummet into the 30s again, but for the most part i think it's safe to breathe a sigh of relief that another winter has ended.......
i'm really looking forward to this spring/summer/fall coming'll be great to finally get back outdoors again with the kids.......after 3 months+ of being pent up, casey will finally get to play outside and molly will finally see there's a world outside our house......i'm looking forward to walks on wollaston beach, playing in the backyard with casey with molly perhaps in her bouncy chair or jumparoo, spending some time at mary & jim's cape house, and just in general not having to bundle up to leave the house.......
i'm really looking forward to this spring/summer/fall coming'll be great to finally get back outdoors again with the kids.......after 3 months+ of being pent up, casey will finally get to play outside and molly will finally see there's a world outside our house......i'm looking forward to walks on wollaston beach, playing in the backyard with casey with molly perhaps in her bouncy chair or jumparoo, spending some time at mary & jim's cape house, and just in general not having to bundle up to leave the house.......
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