Sunday, February 7, 2010


a fairly minor - but still painful - fall down a couple of our stairs last night hindered me from getting online to do my daily post yesterday.......for a while i thought i might've broken my tailbone, and in truth i might've, but it's slightly better today - at least the pain has localized to my tailbone area and the shooting pains down my legs and up my back have passed......from what i hear, they can't do anything for a bruised/broken tailbone anyway except prescribe painkillers which since i'm nursing i can't figure i'd save myself the hours long wait at the ER and just deal with the pain for a while......

so here's what my post would've been yesterday if i could've made it to the computer:
although there's just a slight distinction, casey has now been officially nicknamed "bubba-doo" and molly has been given "bubba-boo" to remember which is which!......

and here's today's:
casey: when i hurt my tailbone last night and was lying face down on the couch with tears of pain rolling down my face, casey brought a tissue over and wiped my eyes then gave me an unprompted awesome is this kid??......for the millionth time i asked myself what i did to deserve a kid like her......
molly: although i still definitely don't miss being pregnant and we haven't changed our mind on not wanting more than 2 kids, i do find that as molly gets bigger that i'm sad about leaving certain things we'll never have another squishy-faced, no-head-control newborn that doesn't know how to smile yet.......and since she's out of most of her 0-3 month old clothes, we'll never get to use those again......somewhat sad to acknowledge.......

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