Saturday, February 27, 2010

disney on ice......

i took casey to disney on ice last was a super nice day weather-wise, cold but not frigid, no rain/snow........we took the T into boston - she hasn't been on the T since she was really little and definitely didn't remember it.......i think the fact that the T trains look so different from the thomas the train engine trains threw her off a bit.......but she did still like it.......she was fantastic the whole time - she was great on the T, great in the stations waiting for the trains, held my hand/wanted to be carried most of the time......i was very proud of her.......and she loved the show.......i guess kids under 2 you don't have to buy a seat for, but i was glad we had the two seats.......gave us a place to put our stuff, and it's good to have the option if she had wanted to sit.......actually she enjoyed sitting on my lap most of the time and then standing in front of me the rest of the time.......although she didn't really get the prince/princess segments very much, she loved seeing the characters - she's been talking about it ever since - "mickey, minnie, donald, daisy on ice skates - fun show".......and probably the best part was getting to spend some time just one-on-one with's been a while since we've done anything fun just the two of us.......


casey and i built our first snowman a couple weeks he is - his name's snowy.....

and here's an excited scrunchy faced casey after finishing snowy........

look ma, no hands.......

look who's holding her own bottle!


so steve's played poker with this group of guys for over 10 years now......they play just about every month.......we used to have it at our house somewhat often before we had kids........then it was clear once we had casey that it was harder to have a boisterous group of guys in our small house and expect her to sleep through we've had about a year hiatus from it at our house.......well steve decided this was the month to try again.......the poker table's directly under her bed and it's crazy loud in her room......she's still awake at 10pm.........i feel awful........we can't ask the guys to be silent, but it's really not working so far.......they usually play until 1 or 2am........i'm thinking of trying to bring her into our bed, but she's never slept in here and not sure if she will........wish us luck! thing's for sure, no more poker nights here until we get a bigger house!!.......

ABCs and naptime.........

casey has been able to say the alphabet for a while now (well, she occasionally misses "D", "N", and "O" but most of the time gets them all).......but she's just learned how to "sing" the ABC song.......she won't sing along with someone, but she will sing it on her's really awesome!'s a video - i missed her saying "A, B" but you get the gist......

and molly took a 2 hour nap was unheard of for her........she hadn't slept a wink from 8am until 12:30 and was crazy cranky so i swaddled her and put her on our bed.......didn't hear a peep from her until 2:45.......she didn't nap again until bedtime at 8pm-ish tonight but she was in a great mood......definitely think this is the start of a new napping tactic for molly.......maybe swaddle and hope for a good nap around 11ish and maybe again around 3ish.......since casey naps from 1-3, it'll be a lot of inside the house time, but gotta do what we gotta do i the weather gets warmer we could grab the monitor and casey and i could play in the backyard during molly's nap(s).......that way it's not all day in the house for her.......

Friday, February 26, 2010


molly just rolled from her tummy to her back - twice so it can't be a fluke!.......she's super close to being able to do her back to her tummy too - i'd say in a few days she'll be able to do both!........yay molly!......

the little one said "roll over, roll over".......

molly's thisclose from being able to roll over.......stupidly i never wrote down how old casey was when she finally rolled over, but i remember it was much later than i thought it would be and later than other babies casey's definitely wasn't when she was 3 & 1/2 months.......but molly seems very very close......stay tuned on the rolling over front!.......

my little naked girl and my little cycler......

casey tidbit of the day - lately casey's LOVED being naked - doesn't matter if she just has her shirt off or just pants off or whatever - if she has one of those items of clothing off she runs around the house yelling "naked girl" as if that's her superhero's long as she keeps her diaper on at least and she isn't freezing cold it's fine with me!......

molly tidbit of the day - man this kid's legs NEVER stop moving!.......she must "air-cycle" about 10 miles a day.......she better be a mean spinning instructor or something when she grows up!......

Sunday, February 21, 2010

random thoughts......

casey dropped something today and said "dammit".......classic.......i tried hard not to laugh, but it was hysterical........

why do they not make 2.5 year old clothing??......why must we decide between 2T and 3T clothes??......2T stuff is getting too tight on casey, but 3T is way too big.......sigh.....

after a recent bout of unzipping her fleece pjs and taking them off, we've switched to putting casey in long sleeve onesies with sweatpants for bed.......

molly has got the most sensitive bum ever........if we even use wipes once, she'll get a red rash and be all crabby.......all wet paper towels from here on out for her........

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

valentines day date......

so for the first time in what has felt like forever, steve and i went out to eat and to a movie by be honest, i'm not sure we've done a meal and a movie solo since casey was born.......i know we've taken them to movies when they were babies, and left them with the grandparents once in a while to see one, but never a meal AND a movie.......

we were hoping to get to cheesecake factory (since i was really craving their dutch apple streudel cheesecake) but with a 45 min wait (at lunchtime!!) we wouldn't have made the we ended up at tgi fridays for an adequate but still enjoyable lunch......then off to see didn't look interesting at all to me, but steve wanted to see it and i had heard really great things about it from friends so we took a was good i have to was all 3D the whole way through and the imagery was really incredible.......

we talked on the way home about the future of movies in 3D - are we all going to need to buy 3D glasses for movies?.......hopefully they'll come in more stylish designs than the ones they handed out with the admission price.......maybe they'll have a contact lens that has 3D capability in it? the time our kids read this, they'll be laughing at how terribly archaic this all must sound.......

it was great to have some time with just my hubby, but we were both really excited to get back to the little monsters afterwards!......

2 fisting and smile breaks......

casey: lately every time casey has a snack or a meal that she eats with her hands, she demands to have one piece for each hand.......she only eats them one at a time, but apparently feels more comfortable having one "on deck".......

molly: staying on the food theme, we've had to take "smile breaks" when feeding molly lately.......she's sucking away on a bottle when all of a sudden you'll catch her eye and you'll see the cheeks puff out and pretty soon the bottle falls out of her mouth and she's got a big ol' grin on her feeding her, while it takes longer with the smile breaks, is really super fun.......

Saturday, February 13, 2010

kids running and my little meatball's 3 month birthday......

casey: forgot to post about this last weekend, so i'm using it for today's thought of the day......we were watching the superbowl last weekend and casey looked at the tv and says "kids running" - she was so excited that she ran back and forth across the living room/dining room over and over mimicking the teams on the tv........the psycho amounts of energy she had could've also been attributed to the pile of cupcake frosting she ate for dessert........

molly: it's molly's 3 month birthday today!.....i can't believe this is how old casey was when i had to go back to work and leave her in daycare......molly's so breaks my heart all over again for everyone who wants to but can't afford to stay home longer with their little ones!!.....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

potty time and thumb sucking.....

casey: today marks the third time casey's peed in the these three times weren't in the same day or the same week for that while we're still pretty patchy at this, we're proud of our big girl nonetheless!.......

molly: if anything's going to break molly of her thumb-sucking habit, it's the fact that it takes her about 1/2 an hour to get it in her mouth without poking herself in the eye with her other fingers and the second she achieves it, i yank it out of her mouth........

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

well maybe a thought every couple days.......

obviously posting every day seems to be somewhat of an impossible task for me for some reason! i think the "thought of the day" idea will have to be revamped to the "thought every couple days".......

here's today's:

casey - seeing her on a trampoline for the first time today was nothing short of hysterical......the look on her face trying to figure out why the ground was moving when she wasn't doing anything to cause it was great......even better was when she decided it didn't matter why, it was too much fun to not just go with it!.......

molly - hopefully we won't have a return of the molly-monster that we had yesterday......gosh she was a pain yesterday!......only time she didn't cry was when she ate........which she did a lot of because i really couldn't take the noise for that long!! seems to be a much better day.......

Sunday, February 7, 2010


a fairly minor - but still painful - fall down a couple of our stairs last night hindered me from getting online to do my daily post yesterday.......for a while i thought i might've broken my tailbone, and in truth i might've, but it's slightly better today - at least the pain has localized to my tailbone area and the shooting pains down my legs and up my back have passed......from what i hear, they can't do anything for a bruised/broken tailbone anyway except prescribe painkillers which since i'm nursing i can't figure i'd save myself the hours long wait at the ER and just deal with the pain for a while......

so here's what my post would've been yesterday if i could've made it to the computer:
although there's just a slight distinction, casey has now been officially nicknamed "bubba-doo" and molly has been given "bubba-boo" to remember which is which!......

and here's today's:
casey: when i hurt my tailbone last night and was lying face down on the couch with tears of pain rolling down my face, casey brought a tissue over and wiped my eyes then gave me an unprompted awesome is this kid??......for the millionth time i asked myself what i did to deserve a kid like her......
molly: although i still definitely don't miss being pregnant and we haven't changed our mind on not wanting more than 2 kids, i do find that as molly gets bigger that i'm sad about leaving certain things we'll never have another squishy-faced, no-head-control newborn that doesn't know how to smile yet.......and since she's out of most of her 0-3 month old clothes, we'll never get to use those again......somewhat sad to acknowledge.......

Friday, February 5, 2010

thought of the day.......

so seeing how infrequent my posts are on here has led me to my latest idea.......i'd like to post a thought/observation of the day for molly and casey.......just a quick thing about each of them from the day......this idea sprung up as a result of me noting throughout the day things i should remember to write about on this blog, but forget by the time i have time to write an actual lengthy i'm hoping that by knowing in my head that this is just a quick one or two line post a day that will get me to post more often, thus missing as many things about the kids' lives on here.......

so here's today's thoughts/observations:

casey: since crayola has the technology to make "washable" crayons......why would they continue to make non-washable ones????.......they're horrendous to scrub off our walls.......the current canvas our little artist casey has been using......

molly: when casey was a baby i always used to like dressing her in actual outfits - little shirts and jeans/pants and socks and stuff like that.......with molly i don't even reach for that stuff in the drawer - all i ever seem to put her in are those long sleeve/long leg footed onesies......and you know what?'s so much simpler - no matching the pieces together, losing socks all over the place, etc.......i'm ok with her not looking like a mini adult yet in her jeans and polo shirts - she can stay looking like a baby in her pjs for a while longer.......