friday nights are $1 admission to the boston children's museum, so we picked steve up and headed over there a couple weeks back......casey had a blast in the under 3 years old play-zone area.......she had been there one other time about 4 months or so ago with her buddies caroline and sam, but at that point she still seemed really young for a lot of the activities in the room.......this time she was a master......into everything, and yet coordinated enough that i didn't fear she was going to get hurt at every turn like our last it was a really fun time there.......
then the following weekend, the three of us and uncle danny (steve's brother in visiting from california) headed into boston.......after a lunch and tantrum at pizzeria regina in the north end, we went to the aquarium which casey really liked - much more so than the zoo a while back.......and then on to the water-park thing - which is really just water jets shooting up from the ground.......steve took casey in the water area.........she didn't totally freak out or anything, but i think the idea of water coming up that fast took her a little by surprise......after drying off we headed back into the north end where casey proceeded to mow down watermelon gelato and cookies that the waitress at mike's pastry was nice enough to give her for free.......
and a couple weeks ago casey and i headed to the easton children's museum during the's a super cute little musuem........3 floors plus this outdoor explorer area.......2 of the floors seemed a bit too old for her but the top floor had a play area that seemed just her age.......had a lego wall which she loved once she figured out you could stick the legos to it and a tumble area with a ballerina bar and mirror which she liked more than i would've hoped!.......i think i see a tutu in her future much to my dismay.......=).......just kidding.......i don't mind if she turns out to be a girly girl.......i'll support whatever interests she has.......whether it's ballet or boxing........actually i'm not sure which of those would scare me more!'s one thing if i box, but i'm not sure i want her to do it!.......
anyway, here are a couple pictures from our little recent adventures.......

this was at the easton museum.......i'm sure it was accidental......she wasn't really trying to flip me off, was she??.......hahaha.......
also at the easton museum - always the inquisitive one pointing all over the place lately asking what everything is.......

trying out the lego wall at the easton museum.......

our future ballerina.......

riding a duck at the boston children's musuem.......

checking out the water jet park with dad.........i think i might like this a little more in another year or so.......
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