sending happy fathers day #2 wishes to my hubby!.......he's really a great dad.......he is so in love with casey.......i know he counts the minutes until he gets to see her again when he's at work or at a meeting.......i'm really lucky to have a hubby who wants to be involved in raising our kids and is so excited and in awe of casey.......there are a lot of dads out there that seem to buy into the stereotype that the moms deal with all things kid-related and dads are just relagated to be parent #2......he has always challenged that notion and i'm glad.......he's never resented the fact that i'm staying home with casey even though i'm sure that if roles were reversed, i'd secretly (or maybe not so secretly) hate him if he got to spend all day with her and i had to work.......in addition to being grateful for having such a great kid and being able to stay home and raise her, i am very grateful for having such a great partner, friend, and baby-daddy.......=)
steve seemed to really enjoy his day with casey......we didn't do anything particularly exciting - it rained a lot so couldn't really get outside for a hike at faxon park or anything like that.......but we had a fun day in.......casey finally started saying dada again (after a bizarre hiatus where she'd just call him mama too).......and he really liked the "super dad" plaque that casey painted for him herself (see picture below).......he's also looking forward to next year when he'll have two little ones wishing him a happy day......
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