Friday, April 10, 2009

i think i got it......

so we're pretty much into the second week of casey being a crazy bad sleeper - not going into her crib for naps and reverting to her napping on me while i get nothing done during naptime, hysterical screaming and crying when we put her to bed, waking up in the middle of the night........we had no idea what was wrong.......she seemed fine when she was awake, not all that cranky and whatnot........took her to the doctors - no sign of new teeth coming through, no fever, no ear infections.......nothing wrong with her.......we've given her tylenol to no avail.......nothing works.......but i think i've figured it out.......separation anxiety has set in........during the day she's been much more clingy to me and freaks out if i'm not in an arm's length of her......she gets hysterical if i go into the kitchen for two seconds and she can't see me.......i think this is a part of it.......she knows that when we get ready to put her to bed that we're going to leave her.......and she is at the age where she knows we still exist after we leave the room and she freaks.......ok, now that we've identified the problem.......what the heck to we do about it????.......we're going back to the old days of the farber method - 3 min, 5 min, 8 min, 10 min, etc.......of letting her cry then going in for 1-2 min to try to calm her down.......tonight we're really trying it - last couple times i broke and picked her up - which really to be honest didn't help at all......took a long time to get her to calm down and then we just started all over again.......better to let her cry it out and tire herself out.......hopefully she'll learn (again) that she needs to go to sleep when she is put in her crib........we're at the 10 minute interval now.......wish us luck!!.......


Katie said...

Oh no! Poor Casey and poor parents! Figuring out the sleeping thing is my least favorite part of being a parent. Kaylee is generally an awesome sleeper, but we've hit a few snags here or there. Blah, and it's just so awful! Good luck!

Anna said...

Sounds exhausting! Although I can second the neediness, which Eliza has been displaying in force in the past week or so.