Saturday, February 21, 2009

it's been a while......

so it's only been 2 weeks since my last post, but already i've got so many things to report!.....

casey took her first steps back on feb 12th.....she's still getting the hang of this whole walking thing but she's definitely improved in the balance category......she can easily stand on her own now basically until she's bored......she's cruising all over the place and she's got this super speed's's like a run but on all 4s.......really funny to watch......

she breaks out the super speed crawl when she's playing her new favorite game - chase.....i get in a crawling position and start to crawl fast away from her, she'll chase me, then i'll turn around and she'll stop, then i start chasing her around the room.......she giggles up a storm the whole time.....she's got such a great laugh.....

what else......oh yes, she's now got a 3rd tooth - it's the first one on the top.......i think it was pretty tough on her coming in because she did have a bout of the crankies for a couple with the last 2 teeth, this tooth's arrival was accompanied by a cold.......i definitely don't think her colds have been "side effects" of the teeth coming in (like they say earaches/fevers can be), but i think her immune system is so focused on the tooth coming in that it forgets to fight germs and thus she gets a cold......that's my wildly scientific guess anyway......

some other more "minor" things to report - casey's learned how to "read" books......i think the days of her shoving her books into her mouth and not paying attention to what's on the pages might be over - which would be nice.......she likes to turn the pages and point to things on them......mostly the babies......

which brings me to pointing - another of her new favorite activities.......she points at everything!......if she points with her right hand, it's using the correct pointer finger, if it's with the left hand, it's using her middle finger which has elicited more than a few giggles from people.....

i'm sure there are a couple other new things she's doing, but i'm a little too tired right now to think of them.......more to come!

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