so i didn't want to do it.......i didn't want to wait in line for hours and shell out $25 for two lame-ass 5x7 pictures of casey with some guy dressed as santa at the mall.......but i caved........my mother really wanted it......steve didn't really care either way.......and i guess there was some tiny iota of me that bought into the whole tradition in our society of doing it......i mean, if i changed my mind years from now to thinking it's the greatest tradition ever would i regret not doing it?.......she's only going to have one 1st christmas, so i bit the bullet and decided to do it.......
there wasn't ANYONE in line when we showed up so no time for me to change my mind......"santa" was less than psyched to see us though even having had a little break.......he was really not jolly at all - just seemed like a tired old guy counting the minutes till he got off work.......which i can on one hand understand because it was 7:30 at night and i'm sure he had had a full day of screaming, whining kids........but on the other hand, clearly this is casey's first christmas and her first christmas picture experience for us - we're shelling out $25 to have her picture taken with you so try to be a little more cheerful will you??........but casey was oblivious to his unenthusiastic personality and was totally in awe of him and grinned from ear to ear (what else is new!) for her picture.......at least she didn't freak out like you hear some babies do........
so i caved......and i'm ok with it........
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