just today casey figured out the whole crawling thing and is now moving forward at lightning speed (well for her) AND she's discovered clapping and has been doing it all day long......it's hysterical......i gotta get a video of the clapping......i have one of the crawling on my phone, but it's really a lost cause for me to attempt to get it from my phone to the blog......i'll just become obsessed trying to figure out how to do it and will waste hours of my life trying and will be no closer to figuring it out than when i started......so let's just take my word for it that i got a 9 second crawling video and if you're ever near me and my phone and want to see it, just ask......
also this past wednesday night casey woke up at midnight crying and was up for about an hour......now i think this may be normal for most babies, but crazy good sleeper casey hasn't woken up in the middle of the night in 5 months so we knew something was up......the next morning we felt her gums and sure enough, a little corner of a baby tooth was poking up.......of course since then her gums got crazy swollen and the tooth seems to have receeded (yes apparently that does happen) making us wonder if we just dreamt the whole thing......but her frequent battles with the crankmonster on thursday and friday confirmed it was probably for real......you can kind of see a little white thing just under the gum now......all i can say is baby orajel and baby tylenol rock......i don't know if we could've gotten through the cranky spells without them......hopefully the worst is behind us......hmm, what else is new with the little one in the last 2 weeks?.....well she's officially entered the world of fruits - her first fruit was pears.....as usual, she loves them!......but we regressed back to veggies this week for green beans.......i think next week is going to be papayas......mmm......
oh and turning to world affairs for a moment, we're crazy excited about barack obama winning the election......it's about time we have an intelligent human being in there that actually inspires people to be better......to achieve more than just being slugs and caring about their own lives......
guess that's all for now......
Kaylee has also been a superstar sleeper. She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and stayed that way until she was 8 months old, when she suddenly waking in the middle of night screaming. It took us a while to figure it out, but it was definitely teething. Ugh! We did try baby Tylenol, but it didn't really help. It was like that for about 4 months. Yuck...she seems to be past that now. Thank goodness! Hopefully Casey will get over it faster!
ug!.....well thank god that's over with for you!.....i can't imagine going back to middle of the night wakings.....of course you do it if you need to, but i'm definitely back to taking my full night of sleep for granted.....baby tylenol seems to help her, and she seems over the worst of it for this first tooth - was only up that one night.....her napping's still all over the place, but we can deal with that.....
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