Monday, August 18, 2008

days to remember

some dates from my pregnant days that i'll never forget.......

sunday, july 29, 2007 - the day we saw a little "+" sign on the pregnancy test......the cross line was faint - not quite as bold and definitive as i was expecting, but there nonetheless......took another test the next morning to confirm......that was then followed by the test at the dr's office......then the test at the obgyn's office........they sure do want you to have lots of confirmations - maybe to make up for the faint cross lines on the do-it-yourself tests......

monday, august 13, 2007 - was going to go to boxing class after work when i saw i had some spotting......definitely freaked out......thought i was having/going to have a miscarriage......i was terrified of miscarrying......

wednesday, august 15, 2007 - the first day we saw our little peanut!.....had to have an ultrasound because of the spotting and the dot on the screen was so tiny that the technician had to put an arrow with the word "baby" when she printed out a picture for us.......

wednesday, september 19, 2007 - first appt with dr christo shaker......he's the doctor we loved and hoped would deliver our baby, but alas we got stuck with the one that's a spitting image of jeff goldblaum and is a self-proclaimed non-multitasker.......

saturday, october 6, 2007 - steve's friend jeff's wedding......only wedding i went to pregnant......found weddings are more fun when you can drink!.......fortunately another of our friends was there and pregnant we spent the whole time hunting for food.....

saturday-sunday, october 20-21, 2007 - our weekend trip to maine for my was awesome......we stayed at this fantastic b&b and hiked both days......the foliage was phenomenal......and we watched the sox make a comeback in the playoffs against the was great to relax and enjoy being pregnant......

thursday, november 15, 2007 - our 18 week ultrasound - the one where you can find out if it's a boy or girl, and they take all kinds of tough as it was to look away when the technician checked the gender, we did.......and i'm glad we did.......

tuesday, january 1, 2008 - registering at babies r, what an awful experience that was!!......we had NO idea what 1/2 of the things in there were for, or if we'd need them, or which brand was best.......we were there for what seemed like forever......

tuesday, january 15, 2008 - my first prego swim class!......felt ridiculous in my huge tankini doing water walking with pool noodles, but met a great group of ladies and had fun talking about our pregnant woes and baby dreams......

saturday, february 9, 2008 - our baby was so great seeing our friends and family......some of them we hadn't seen since before i got pregnant.......we got so many nice gifts - it was overwhelming and very humbling.......we are so lucky to be surrounded by so many great people!.....

saturday, march 8, 2008 - childbirth class part 1......well it was supposed to be part 1, but by the time part 2 came around a week later, casey was already here......i was excited about the class, but all it did was show us these "fantastic" positions you can get in during labor to ease the pain......ok, well what they don't tell you is if you're hooked up to an IV you can't do any of and the teacher was trying to talk me out of assuming i'd need an, ok yeah, no way i could've done that without one!!!......

wednesday, march 12, 2008 - i broke......i said i wasn't going to buy anymore maternity clothes, but all my shirts were too short and my feet were too swollen to fit into any of my i went to the mall, got 2 more shirts and a pair of size 9 slip on sneakers (usually a size 6 shoe!)......saw my in-laws afterwards who said i looked miserable.......i was definitely feeling ready to have that baby.......although i still had 3 more weeks at least - or so i thought.......

thursday, march 13th, 2008 - yes the day before casy was born was almost as memorable as the day she was born.......woke up at 5 am to the gushing out of what seemed like all of the fluids in my body.......this was one of the first days i started to question "the books" - you know all those pregnancy-for-dummies books that i had devoured......"the books" said not to worry about your water breaking, because it almost never is the first sign of labor and a lot of times doesn't happen at all - the dr will have to break the "bag of waters" (yes, i find it hysterical they call it that), so it was the one thing i wan't too concerned about.......oh and of the minute percentage of the prego population whose water does break, mostly it's a little trickle so don't worry about flooding the grocery store if you're out shopping or anything like that......ok well, all that crap came to mind as i was standing in the tub because all the towels in our house couldn't have contained all the liquid that was pouring out of me.......little trickle my liquid and all we went out to breakfast (early american) and contemplated our baby name list that we thought we had 3 more weeks to decide to the hospital and saw some other very-close-to-being-moms in all kinds of contraction pain......i felt nothing at that point......if it wasn't for the water still coming out of me, you wouldn't even know i was in labor......waited around the hospital forever for the cervadil to work, then around 5pm started getting some pretty good contractions.......time gets a little fuzzy here - know i got some kind of drug that made me feel totally out of it which i wish i hadn't gotten......and then the epidural......then the pushing......

friday, march 14, 2008 - and the saga continues.......i'm pretty sure i was pushing when the clock struck midnight, so it didn't start off being a great day, but 39minutes in, there you were.......all slimy, gooey, and a little bloody, but perfect......eyes wide open wondering who these freaky people were that were staring at you.......

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