Wednesday, August 27, 2008

super moistener

steve said something hysterical yesterday that deserves its own post........
he said it was casey's mission in life to moisten everything on the planet.......with the amount of drool that comes out of her mouth and the amount of things that she puts into her mouth and covers with saliva, i tend to agree with him.......

Saturday, August 23, 2008

it's ok to not be #1......

another post regarding the olympics coming up.......
i've been disheartened to see so many athletes act like it's the worst day of their life to win a silver or bronze medal.......some have actually cried......not tears of joy for winning a medal in the olympics, but tears of frustration, sadness, and wrestler even threw his bronze medal to the ground during the awards ceremony, saying he didn't go there to win anything other than a gold.......what's wrong with these people??.......being #2 or #3 in the WORLD at something is nothing to sneeze at......and if they finish #10 or even dead last - really that's ok too......but when they act like the sky is falling, it saddens me.......first of all, they should have the self respect to say hey, i did the best i could and am grateful for the opportunity......they worked hard to get where they are and should be proud of one just happens to fall into the olympics - it takes great skill.......secondly, they're representing their have some pride in that and show the kids back home from whatever country you're from that it's ok not to be #1.......there's enough pressure to be the best and just being there representing your country is an inspiration to kids and adults alike........sure the person who finishes first should celebrate that - it was fantastic to see michael phelps win all 8 out of 8 gold medals, but let us not forget that the olympics is a celebration of all athletes from all over the world......most of the time what separates a 1st place finish from a last place finish is a slight separation of the legs in the uneven bars or a slightly sloppy baton pass......
so please olympians, let's just all lighten up and try to remember the spirit of the olympics......try your best and be one, including yourself, should fault you for that......

Monday, August 18, 2008

breaking the rules......

so at this point, i think we've broken at least 90% of all "the rules" know the ones that are in bold in "the books" and the ones the nurses in the hospital tell you over and over again?.......

broken rule #1 - never fall asleep while holding your baby - um, broke that one while still in the hospital......=)
broken rule #2 - never bring your baby into your bed to sleep while you're sleeping - if it's 4 am and you know you don't have the energy to get your kid to fall back to sleep in the crib, you'll do it too!......
broken rule #3 - always wash a burp cloth that falls on the ground before using - well if it falls on the floor of the T or something, ok, but otherwise we're throwing caution to the wind.......
broken rule #4 - never leave your baby on the changing table while you grab a diaper changing item - ok granted we don't do this anymore, but we used to in her pre-wiggly stage........
broken rule #5 - make sure you are adept at more than one breastfeeding position - the football hold worked for us in the hospital, and that's the one we're sticking with!......
broken rule #6 - put baby to sleep awake so they know how to fall back to sleep on their own if they wake up - we tried, sort of, but this rarely works......i'd rather re-swaddle her at 2am to help her drift back to dreamland than listen to her cry at 9pm.......

well maybe we haven't broken as many as i are some that we haven't broken......

unbroken rule #1 - always put baby to sleep on their back
unbroken rule #2 - always buckle baby up in carseat for a ride (we've unintentionally broken this one, but i'm sticking with it being unbroken as it's not one we want to break)
unbroken rule #3 - never shake your baby
unbroken rule #4 - never leave your baby in the car while running an errand

well that puts us at about 60%/40%......guess it's not quite the 90% broken i was expecting......give us time - we're bound to break more!

days to remember

some dates from my pregnant days that i'll never forget.......

sunday, july 29, 2007 - the day we saw a little "+" sign on the pregnancy test......the cross line was faint - not quite as bold and definitive as i was expecting, but there nonetheless......took another test the next morning to confirm......that was then followed by the test at the dr's office......then the test at the obgyn's office........they sure do want you to have lots of confirmations - maybe to make up for the faint cross lines on the do-it-yourself tests......

monday, august 13, 2007 - was going to go to boxing class after work when i saw i had some spotting......definitely freaked out......thought i was having/going to have a miscarriage......i was terrified of miscarrying......

wednesday, august 15, 2007 - the first day we saw our little peanut!.....had to have an ultrasound because of the spotting and the dot on the screen was so tiny that the technician had to put an arrow with the word "baby" when she printed out a picture for us.......

wednesday, september 19, 2007 - first appt with dr christo shaker......he's the doctor we loved and hoped would deliver our baby, but alas we got stuck with the one that's a spitting image of jeff goldblaum and is a self-proclaimed non-multitasker.......

saturday, october 6, 2007 - steve's friend jeff's wedding......only wedding i went to pregnant......found weddings are more fun when you can drink!.......fortunately another of our friends was there and pregnant we spent the whole time hunting for food.....

saturday-sunday, october 20-21, 2007 - our weekend trip to maine for my was awesome......we stayed at this fantastic b&b and hiked both days......the foliage was phenomenal......and we watched the sox make a comeback in the playoffs against the was great to relax and enjoy being pregnant......

thursday, november 15, 2007 - our 18 week ultrasound - the one where you can find out if it's a boy or girl, and they take all kinds of tough as it was to look away when the technician checked the gender, we did.......and i'm glad we did.......

tuesday, january 1, 2008 - registering at babies r, what an awful experience that was!!......we had NO idea what 1/2 of the things in there were for, or if we'd need them, or which brand was best.......we were there for what seemed like forever......

tuesday, january 15, 2008 - my first prego swim class!......felt ridiculous in my huge tankini doing water walking with pool noodles, but met a great group of ladies and had fun talking about our pregnant woes and baby dreams......

saturday, february 9, 2008 - our baby was so great seeing our friends and family......some of them we hadn't seen since before i got pregnant.......we got so many nice gifts - it was overwhelming and very humbling.......we are so lucky to be surrounded by so many great people!.....

saturday, march 8, 2008 - childbirth class part 1......well it was supposed to be part 1, but by the time part 2 came around a week later, casey was already here......i was excited about the class, but all it did was show us these "fantastic" positions you can get in during labor to ease the pain......ok, well what they don't tell you is if you're hooked up to an IV you can't do any of and the teacher was trying to talk me out of assuming i'd need an, ok yeah, no way i could've done that without one!!!......

wednesday, march 12, 2008 - i broke......i said i wasn't going to buy anymore maternity clothes, but all my shirts were too short and my feet were too swollen to fit into any of my i went to the mall, got 2 more shirts and a pair of size 9 slip on sneakers (usually a size 6 shoe!)......saw my in-laws afterwards who said i looked miserable.......i was definitely feeling ready to have that baby.......although i still had 3 more weeks at least - or so i thought.......

thursday, march 13th, 2008 - yes the day before casy was born was almost as memorable as the day she was born.......woke up at 5 am to the gushing out of what seemed like all of the fluids in my body.......this was one of the first days i started to question "the books" - you know all those pregnancy-for-dummies books that i had devoured......"the books" said not to worry about your water breaking, because it almost never is the first sign of labor and a lot of times doesn't happen at all - the dr will have to break the "bag of waters" (yes, i find it hysterical they call it that), so it was the one thing i wan't too concerned about.......oh and of the minute percentage of the prego population whose water does break, mostly it's a little trickle so don't worry about flooding the grocery store if you're out shopping or anything like that......ok well, all that crap came to mind as i was standing in the tub because all the towels in our house couldn't have contained all the liquid that was pouring out of me.......little trickle my liquid and all we went out to breakfast (early american) and contemplated our baby name list that we thought we had 3 more weeks to decide to the hospital and saw some other very-close-to-being-moms in all kinds of contraction pain......i felt nothing at that point......if it wasn't for the water still coming out of me, you wouldn't even know i was in labor......waited around the hospital forever for the cervadil to work, then around 5pm started getting some pretty good contractions.......time gets a little fuzzy here - know i got some kind of drug that made me feel totally out of it which i wish i hadn't gotten......and then the epidural......then the pushing......

friday, march 14, 2008 - and the saga continues.......i'm pretty sure i was pushing when the clock struck midnight, so it didn't start off being a great day, but 39minutes in, there you were.......all slimy, gooey, and a little bloody, but perfect......eyes wide open wondering who these freaky people were that were staring at you.......

Sunday, August 10, 2008

mall madness.....

ok so some days we have a swollen-eyed red-faced snot-gushing little monster, and other days everything clicks and we have the best kid on earth......this weekend was a clicker......
fun story from the weekend - went to the mall on saturday night.....yes, night......the time of the day that casey's the least happy, least sociable, least patient, least open to new things.......didn't quite know how it'd go, but figured it couldn't be worse than the previous two little monster nights......well she LOVED was like we brought her to disney world or something......lots of lights (have i mentioned how much this kid LOVES lights???) and people to smile at.....steve was running around the stores with her in the stroller and she was giggling her head off.....much to the amusement of the people in line with was nuts.......we stayed until 8ish and she was still in a good home, fed her & put her to bed very i wish i could earn free passes for those kind of days (& nights)......

Friday, August 8, 2008

my red-faced swollen-eyed snot-gushing little monster

i have absolutely no idea what's going on lately, but every single night this week has been a battle to get casey to go to bed......not that she's not tired, on the contrary, she's extremely exhausted - you can see it in her eyes......but for some bizarre and super aggravating reason she will not let herself fall asleep.......she'll scream bloody murder like we're pulling her arms out of their sockets.......absolutely nothing will get her to stop crying except her finally wearing herself out and falling asleep, however long that takes......i don't know if i could cry like that for over an hour without being exhausted enough to give up but she sure can.......and we totally don't care when she goes to bed, it's not like we're forcing her to go to bed......she can stay up if she wants to, but she just turns into this red-faced, swollen-eyed, snot-gushing, little monster that won't stop screaming......i know i didn't want to rush any part of this baby thing, but i'm definitely ready for this latest trend to pass......

Thursday, August 7, 2008

it's greek to me......

so here's one of the three posts i started but didn't finish last week......better late than never right??
surprise surprise, my body decided earlier this week to rebel against making breastmilk........i wake up expecting to have crazy full boobs like usual, when i look down and almost can't find them!.......i tried on one of my pre-prego bras and it fit!......what's up with that, right?.......i mean i know i took a little pumping hiatus (that droning whine of the pump can really grate on your nerves, you know), but i was still feeding casey so wtf??......rather than calmly try to assess the situation, i freak out and jump to the conclusion that we're going to have to start casey on solid foods IMMEDIATELY or she'll starve.......if you've seen casey's meaty legs lately you'll know how off the deep end i was with that thought......although we barely have room for anything these days in our freezer other than breastmilk, all the bags in there only equal what she eats in 6 days!! yes, i jumped off the deep end in my head.......i called the dr and the advice they gave me was minimal and they suggested i supplement with formula.......i know there's nothing wrong with formula......and a ton of moms use it.......heck i was raised on formula.......but to the breastfeeding mom whose kid's only had breastmilk ever in her life, it feels like a failure to contemplate formula before you're ready to stop breastfeeding.......
so i delve into the online world and try to find something to solutions - pumping more and this wonder herb called fenugreek......i've been pumping every 2 hours during the day to increase the demand and hopefully thus increase the supply (which i'm happy to do because then i get to use my new free breast pump parts that just arrived in the mail!) and popping these fenugreek pills all research on fenugreek yielded this - that it's found in maple syrup, so you could either (literally) drink 3 containers of maple syrup a day or take some straight fenugreek works by stimulating your sweat glands, so side effects are: increased sweating and (no i'm not kidding here although it's funny as hell) urine and sweat that has a faint maple syrup aroma.......strange, because the pills actually smell like celery salt......weird......
anyway, it's working, and casey's creamery is back in business.....


so maybe this blogging thing isn't as easy as i thought.......well maybe it's not the blogging that's tough, but rather finding the time to write the posts that's tricky......while it may appear that i've gone a week without posting, i've actually started 3 posts and have saved each in the "drafts" folder but haven't finished them.......rather than finish one of those three, i'm again starting a new one - this time about how hard it is to find time to post......yes, i am a wacko sometimes.......=)
anyway, latest news is that casey's had this old man cough for about 2 weeks now - this flemmy, hacking cough that keeps waking her up in the middle of the night......nothing like getting completely yanked out of a dream by what sounds like your kid choking over the monitor to get your adrenaline going.......just as i was starting to have fond memories of the nights when we used to get up with her in the middle of the night, it's happening again!......and everyone's commenting on the cough - from my parents, to my in-laws, to her daycare, so steve's taking her to the doctors today to make sure it's not something more serious than remnants of her cold.....which will officially make the 4th time she's been to the drs office in a!......poor kid......
stay tuned for the prognosis......

Friday, August 1, 2008

casey 101

i probably should've started this blog right after casey was born, as kind of a continuation to the "belly book" that i kept little notes and stuff in when i was pregnant with her.......because i'm now realizing that there really is no an official rcord of all things casey for the first 3 and a half months of her life......maybe with kid #2 i'll be more on top of in lieu of that, i've prepared a little summary of casey's 142 days on this earth before i started this blog......

lights......this kid loves lights......any kind of lights........ceiling fan lights, flashlights, tv lights, colored jumparoo lights......she just eats 'em up......well i guess technically that's not true - she really doesn't like sunlight in her eyes......that actually really pisses her off.....

sleeping......casey's slept through the night since she was about 7 weeks old......there's no "secret technique" we used......she just did it.......on her own.......crazy i know......people want to kill us i think when they hear that.....prior to her sleeping through the night we did 3 hour shifts - i have fond memories of my 10pm-1am & 4am-7am shifts.......waking up at 12:55 with her then again at 4:02 effectively skipping steve's 1am-4am shift......but really it was a pretty neat time.....and it was over before even we were ready for it to end i think......we did make a pretty pointed effort to keep her awake more during the day so she'd swap her days/nights faster - which seemed mean at first, but think definitely worked......

clothing.......this kid has more outfits than i do......really SO MANY people bought her clothes after she was was out of control.......we had so many we actually started to get duplicate outfits from people......

feeding.......from the minute casey came into the world, she had the breastfeeding thing down......i had no idea what i was doing, but she was nut-so how easy it was for us to get into that routine.......only hard part was when my milk came in - very painful for about 2 days, but otherwise way easier than i expected.......i really can't thank steve enough for encouraging me to consider breastfeeding.......i pretty much had my mind made up i didn't want to, but he said it enough times that i considered it, and thought well we'll try it, and if it goes horribly or hurts too much i'll's one of the best decisions we've made......pumping went fine and she took to the bottle fairly well......tried once to switch bottle types, which didn't go well, so we stuck with the first kind......she started off at about 3 oz, then went progressively up to 5 oz.......she's now at about 7 oz at 5 months old.......

dirty've never met a kid who's so cool with hanging out in a wet diaper......she completely could care less......we change her about every 4 hours......unless there's a poop.......speaking of, her poops used to be these tiny little (at 5 months) you can see her bear down, turn red, and hear all the stuff exit her butt........and if you wait longer than 5.3 seconds to change her, it'll seep out of the diaper, through her clothes, onto your times.......

crib.......two nights of casey sleeping in our room after we got home from the hospital was enough for us.......every time she breathed i was the pack & play was huge and really didn't fit in our bedroom night #3 of being home she slept in her crib and has ever since.......definitely another great decision we made.......

swaddling.......yes, at 5 months old our kid still needs to be swaddled.......she'll claw at her face until she wakes herself up otherwise.......the swaddling thing i think was supposed to end around 2-3 this rate we'll be teaching her college roommate how to swaddle her......

positions........she used to love it when people held her in the cradle position.......gone are those days.......then she used to love it when people held her upright against their shoulder.......gone are those days.......every couple weeks she'll outgrow a position.......these days she's into being held facing out, or "standing".......she loves to "stand" and "walk".......thank grandpa paulie for that one......

tummy time........we gave casey a lot of tummy time right off the bat.......she held her head up and had control of her neck muscles pretty early on (from what the doctor told us) and i think it's because of that.......i have to thank joy for teaching me that tummy time is important......

i'm sure there are a lot more things i'm missing or forgetting, but that's a fairly good start......