Tuesday, May 10, 2011


so i went to my OB appt yesterday and got some news that i'm taking to be good news.......
my midwife was surprised at how far down the baby's head was at this point (34 weeks, 3 days) - she seemed to think the baby wouldn't be flipping over anymore, so she's in ready to go mode.......i've been getting lots of sharp pains (although nothing regular or consistent) in my lower belly which i'm also taking as signs that things will be starting soon.......hopefully i won't have to go all the way to my due date.......those last few weeks are really just torturous.......no idea why drs can't just induce you once you hit 36 weeks.......i'm impatient, i know........and i might just regret wanting this baby out once the reality of keeping track of 3 little humans outside the womb sets in, but for now, i just want my body, my energy, and my not-so-crabby attitude back!.......i'm sick of being a huge waddling lump that sits on the couch watching the kids play and the hubby do house stuff.......i want to play and do stuff too!......

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