Wednesday, February 10, 2010

well maybe a thought every couple days.......

obviously posting every day seems to be somewhat of an impossible task for me for some reason! i think the "thought of the day" idea will have to be revamped to the "thought every couple days".......

here's today's:

casey - seeing her on a trampoline for the first time today was nothing short of hysterical......the look on her face trying to figure out why the ground was moving when she wasn't doing anything to cause it was great......even better was when she decided it didn't matter why, it was too much fun to not just go with it!.......

molly - hopefully we won't have a return of the molly-monster that we had yesterday......gosh she was a pain yesterday!......only time she didn't cry was when she ate........which she did a lot of because i really couldn't take the noise for that long!! seems to be a much better day.......

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