Saturday, February 27, 2010

ABCs and naptime.........

casey has been able to say the alphabet for a while now (well, she occasionally misses "D", "N", and "O" but most of the time gets them all).......but she's just learned how to "sing" the ABC song.......she won't sing along with someone, but she will sing it on her's really awesome!'s a video - i missed her saying "A, B" but you get the gist......

and molly took a 2 hour nap was unheard of for her........she hadn't slept a wink from 8am until 12:30 and was crazy cranky so i swaddled her and put her on our bed.......didn't hear a peep from her until 2:45.......she didn't nap again until bedtime at 8pm-ish tonight but she was in a great mood......definitely think this is the start of a new napping tactic for molly.......maybe swaddle and hope for a good nap around 11ish and maybe again around 3ish.......since casey naps from 1-3, it'll be a lot of inside the house time, but gotta do what we gotta do i the weather gets warmer we could grab the monitor and casey and i could play in the backyard during molly's nap(s).......that way it's not all day in the house for her.......

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