Wednesday, March 25, 2009

baby #2

so yes, it's confirmed, baby #2 is on the way.......i'll be starting week 7 tomorrow.......i have a meet & greet appointment with a midwife's office tomorrow.......i guess my idea of them being a "breathe through the pain" kind of place wasn't accurate........if they're ok with me having drugs, then i'm ok with we'll see how that goes......they don't have any late or weekend hours, which will make it hard for steve to ever get to go, but aside from hearing the heartbeat, they're relatively boring appointments......other downside is that they deliver at south shore hospital, which i think we were hoping not to deliver at this time around, but i guess we could deal with it as long as the midwife place was solid.......hopefully there'll be a different anathesiologist on the day we deliver so steve can avoid a fist fight in the delivery room.......

i'm convinced baby #2 is going to be a boy.......i'm STARVING ALL THE TIME.......which i definitely don't remember being with casey.......i could literally eat 6 full size meals if i let's really out of control at this point.......i'm only 7 weeks, and i'm afraid to weigh myself!!.......and i've also been really tired (which i was with casey too) and kind of nauseous all the time (which i don't think i was as much with casey) i'm sure i'll be wrong (again!), but i'm saying boy all the way this time!......

1 comment:

Katie said...

Congratulations! We're planning on a second one too, but we'll start trying when Kaylee turns two. :)