Saturday, November 15, 2008

facebook anyone?.....

so apparently facebook is cool.......i think it's taking over myspace in coolness.......which is great, because i never really got the hang of myspace.......i always felt too old for myspace and never really knew what you were supposed to do with your myspace page.......well lucky for me, a friend - well steve's cousin's fiancee, but a friend nonetheless - turned me onto facebook a few weeks ago......and now i'm all about it.......i can't say i really know all the things you can do with it, but i've figured out how to get in touch with people i haven't talked to in YEARS - like people from junior high.......really weird to see them with spouses and kids and lives all of their own.......i still kinda picture them all in homeroom with braces and braids.......anyway, i don't feel too old for facebook.......i just kinda feel like the uncool kid that doesn't quite know all the latest fads and gadgets - but that's the role i've been in pretty much my whole life so i'm ok with that......yay, thanks facebook for making me feel like i fit in and i'm not too old!......

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