Thursday, November 20, 2008


so i was just reading the latest issue of parenting magazine that arrived at our house today thinking how there was really nothing of value i was learning from it, when i came across this snippet:

"You're going to be different than the next mom. Not better, not worse - because you do the best you can, and if at the end of the day your child has laughed, and is clean and fed, you can go to sleep knowing that you did what is expected of you. No matter how you did those things, you can be proud that you're inventing your own special way of being a mom."

i like that......and i feel that way......that i don't do things the same as other moms do, but their way works for them and their babies, and our way works for us.......and as long as casey's smiling i know we're doing something right......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great little quote! For some reason, lots of people seem to be so judgmental when it comes to parenting, but every parent is different. And, even more importantly, every baby is different!