Sunday, August 10, 2008

mall madness.....

ok so some days we have a swollen-eyed red-faced snot-gushing little monster, and other days everything clicks and we have the best kid on earth......this weekend was a clicker......
fun story from the weekend - went to the mall on saturday night.....yes, night......the time of the day that casey's the least happy, least sociable, least patient, least open to new things.......didn't quite know how it'd go, but figured it couldn't be worse than the previous two little monster nights......well she LOVED was like we brought her to disney world or something......lots of lights (have i mentioned how much this kid LOVES lights???) and people to smile at.....steve was running around the stores with her in the stroller and she was giggling her head off.....much to the amusement of the people in line with was nuts.......we stayed until 8ish and she was still in a good home, fed her & put her to bed very i wish i could earn free passes for those kind of days (& nights)......

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