so wow, it's been almost 9 months since i last posted.......and what a whirlwind of a 9 months it's been.......according to my last post, steve had just pulled out nomination papers to run for city council......well the grueling campaign that used up about a grain short of EVERYTHING we had is finally over.......unfortunately out of 2800 total votes, we were 56 votes too short.....mostly for political reasons to boot......the other guy got sworn in a month ago and is still taking pot shots at steve.....while i'm over the exhaustion of running, i'm still not fully over the bitterness of losing to someone so much less qualified and deserving of the job......
also, and more importantly, we have had another kid since my last post......hannah rose was born june 12th......making us the parents of a baby born on the 14th (march - casey), 13th (nov - molly), and the 12th (hannah - june) of the month......makes remembering birthdays that much easier!......hannah's just shy of 8 months old - she's sitting up, crawling, playing with toys, eating baby food and yogurt like it's going out of style......she's an awesome baby.......only really cries when she's tired or hungry......about a month ago we transitioned her into the "kid room" so now all 3 girls are sleeping in the same room......after a rough start, it's working out ok now somehow......hannah still oftentimes (well 2 or 3 times a night) will wake up crying, but it never seems to wake casey or molly up and we just let her cry for a few minutes and she usually falls back to'll be awesome to be back to the confidence of knowing we can sleep through the night soon......
other than those 2 pretty ridiculously huge things, not a whole lot has changed since may.......casey's doing fantastically well - she's super smart (as confirmed by a research study done at her school - she tested at the level of a 5 year 9 month old!)......oh i guess that's also new since our last post - casey started preschool 2 days a week and absolutely loves it......she's at cornerstone campus where our friend gail is the director......she loves her teachers and her new friends......looking into switching schools after this year though to a program that sounds just as good and happens to be free for where we live......if she gets into that, then we'll put molly in cornerstone for 2 days a week......still lots of things up in the air there though.......molly's also doing great - she's just recently started talking up a storm and seems much more able to verbalize things than she used to - although she still stutters a bit getting things out......she's not quite as "happy" a kid as casey - but she's happy enough - and interested in everything and open to whatever.......casey's definitely her best friend.......and she's a good big sister too......
anyway, just wanted to get at least one "quick" post up to hopefully get me back into the swing of writing......hard to find a few minutes these days.......more soon - i hope!.....
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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