Monday, July 12, 2010

bodypump craze......

so here's a post for my kids to laugh at - when they're older and read this, they can google "bodypump" and read how long this exercise/workout fad lasted before it fizzled out - my guess is 2 years.......then they can ask me how anyone thought it was a good idea to have a workout program that consists of the same exercises to the same music for 3 months.......and the music is awful!.......mostly all dance club like songs that get stuck in your head and when you hear them out somewhere make you want to bust out and do some squats or chest's a highly choreographed weight lifting group exercise theory it's a good idea to have a weight lifting group class - brings in more women since they don't typically cross over from the cardio area of the gym floor to the weight lifting side, but it's such a strict and expensive program that i don't see it lasting.......first you have to be certified in bodypump to teach it - so $300 for the certification.......then even if you pass the training, you have to video yourself teaching a live class, pay $50 and have the bodypump gods review and give you another pass......then every 3 months you have to pay $45 to get the package with the new music and exercises.......seriously??.......i only teach 1-2 classes a week at $30 a pop!! this really worth it??'s somewhat fun, but memorizing the choreography is a pain and having these pop songs in my head are driving me nutty.......anyway, just a fun post to see how long the bodypump craze lasted......

potty training......

ok this begins my chronicles of potty training.......first let me pull out my soap box.......there are NO good sources of how to do this seemingly impossible feat.......there's all this crap about, "wait until they're ready" and "let them be the leader", ok what???.......if casey had her way, she'd be in diapers until she's 22.......if she's never experienced the world without diapers, how will she know she's ready to not be in diapers??.......not to mention, we don't let our kids lead anything, so why would we let them lead us into this crazy, dark, scary world of no diapers?.......

ok soap box our first potty training attempt was about a week before going on vacation back in actually went pretty well - casey was peeing and pooping in her froggy potty seat when we were home, but because i really had no idea what i was doing, we'd put diapers on for car trips (which i'm convinced confused an already confusing situation) and then when we went on vacation, it seemed crazy to keep up the training in we put training on hold until i could collect my thoughts and energy and try again.......

last week i decided we were done with's monday and casey hasn't worn a diaper since thursday afternoon......granted we've had quite our share of accidents since thursday, but most of them have either been peeing in the carseat or pooping anywhere but the potty we had our first poop in the potty and we made a crazy big deal about it.......hoping that'll end watching where we walk in our living room.......and although true we haven't been in the car today, she hasn't had any peeing accidents today either.......god let's hope this time sticks!......

i just can't get over how little help there is out there for this......don't know if it's because it's so different to train each kid that they can't compile a general help type book, but it's very frustrating to those of us that have NO IDEA how to do this!!......fingers crossed!......

my little fish......

so both kids are now taking swim lessons at the ymca......and they both love it......casey's such a crazy independent swimmer it's nutty......she's sort of between needing 1/2 bubbles to help her keep afloat while swimming - she's either lazy in her form (scooping and kicking) with 2 bubbles but 1 doesn't really provide enough flotation to allow her to focus on form once we work past this stage it'll go better, but she loves the water and loves jumping in......molly's really great in the water too - not fussy at all (in fact it pulled her out of her teething funk last week) and she even has no problem at all dunking all the way's funny the looks of horror the first time moms with babies molly's age give me when i dunk her......i'm sure i was much more leery about doing that with casey too at molly's age, but guess i've relaxed in my "old mom age".......if molly's ok with it, i am too.......

funny little story here - i took molly to swim class the other day and was talking to one of the other moms there - she mentioned that she was talking to another ymca friend about the age difference in our swim class (there's a bunch of babies molly's age, but also some that are 2-3 years)......her friend was saying that when she takes her daughter to swim class (a different day/time than molly's class) that most of the kids are around the same age/skill level - except for this girl that swims on her own and is kind of crazy - um, yeah that'd be casey.......her daughter's totally in casey's class.......hahahaha.......she's 2 and has a reputation already!......

teething sucks.....

we definitely lucked out first time around with casey......she barely noticed her teeth coming in......took her forever to get teeth, but they never really bothered her at all......molly's the polar opposite.......she's such a mellow baby normally, but when those teething pains come man she's a monster......won't nap, won't play, won't calm down at all.......and she's already got 4 teeth (2 on bottom and 2 on top)......please teething train, slow down!.......she's only 8 months old!.......