so i was just reading the latest issue of parenting magazine that arrived at our house today thinking how there was really nothing of value i was learning from it, when i came across this snippet:
"You're going to be different than the next mom. Not better, not worse - because you do the best you can, and if at the end of the day your child has laughed, and is clean and fed, you can go to sleep knowing that you did what is expected of you. No matter how you did those things, you can be proud that you're inventing your own special way of being a mom."
i like that......and i feel that way......that i don't do things the same as other moms do, but their way works for them and their babies, and our way works for us.......and as long as casey's smiling i know we're doing something right......
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
first word.....
casey's first word was clapping......
ok so she didn't actually say it, but she totally knows what clapping is......if you say clapping even if you're not clapping yourself, she's hysterical.......she definitely knows.......
so i'm changing her first word from dada to clapping......because she really doesn't know what dada means - she just goes around saying it all day whether steve's here or not.......
and really doesn't knowing what the word means even if you can't say it what should make a word someone's first word?......
feel free to disagree with me......
ok so she didn't actually say it, but she totally knows what clapping is......if you say clapping even if you're not clapping yourself, she's hysterical.......she definitely knows.......
so i'm changing her first word from dada to clapping......because she really doesn't know what dada means - she just goes around saying it all day whether steve's here or not.......
and really doesn't knowing what the word means even if you can't say it what should make a word someone's first word?......
feel free to disagree with me......
Monday, November 17, 2008
grammar and other things people like me like......
so i found this website called and thought it was hysterical......if you have a minute, check it out......
#99 sums me up to a T......i've shortened it a bit so it's not a novel......
#99 Grammar
White people love rules. It explains why so they get upset when people cut in line, why they tip so religiously and why they become lawyers. But without a doubt, the rule system that white people love the most is grammar. It is in their blood not only to use perfect grammar but also to spend significant portions of time pointing out the errors of others.
When asking someone about their biggest annoyances in life, you might expect responses like “hunger,” “being poor,” or “getting shot.” If you ask a white person, the most common response will likely be “people who use ‘their’ when they mean ‘there.’”
Another important thing to know is that when white people read magazines and books they are always looking for grammar and spelling mistakes. In fact, one of the greatest joys a white person can experience is to catch a grammar mistake in a major publication. Finding one allows a white person to believe that they are better than the writer and the publication since they would have caught the mistake. The more respected the publication, the greater the thrill. If a white person were to catch a mistake in The New Yorker, it would be a sufficient reason for a large party.
Though they reserve the harshest judgment for professional, do not assume that white people will cast a blind eye to your grammar mistakes in email and official documents. They will judge you and make a general assessment about your intelligence after the first infraction.
Don’t worry, it is impossible for a white person to turn down the opportunity to proofread.
#99 sums me up to a T......i've shortened it a bit so it's not a novel......
#99 Grammar
White people love rules. It explains why so they get upset when people cut in line, why they tip so religiously and why they become lawyers. But without a doubt, the rule system that white people love the most is grammar. It is in their blood not only to use perfect grammar but also to spend significant portions of time pointing out the errors of others.
When asking someone about their biggest annoyances in life, you might expect responses like “hunger,” “being poor,” or “getting shot.” If you ask a white person, the most common response will likely be “people who use ‘their’ when they mean ‘there.’”
Another important thing to know is that when white people read magazines and books they are always looking for grammar and spelling mistakes. In fact, one of the greatest joys a white person can experience is to catch a grammar mistake in a major publication. Finding one allows a white person to believe that they are better than the writer and the publication since they would have caught the mistake. The more respected the publication, the greater the thrill. If a white person were to catch a mistake in The New Yorker, it would be a sufficient reason for a large party.
Though they reserve the harshest judgment for professional, do not assume that white people will cast a blind eye to your grammar mistakes in email and official documents. They will judge you and make a general assessment about your intelligence after the first infraction.
Don’t worry, it is impossible for a white person to turn down the opportunity to proofread.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
facebook anyone?.....
so apparently facebook is cool.......i think it's taking over myspace in coolness.......which is great, because i never really got the hang of myspace.......i always felt too old for myspace and never really knew what you were supposed to do with your myspace page.......well lucky for me, a friend - well steve's cousin's fiancee, but a friend nonetheless - turned me onto facebook a few weeks ago......and now i'm all about it.......i can't say i really know all the things you can do with it, but i've figured out how to get in touch with people i haven't talked to in YEARS - like people from junior high.......really weird to see them with spouses and kids and lives all of their own.......i still kinda picture them all in homeroom with braces and braids.......anyway, i don't feel too old for facebook.......i just kinda feel like the uncool kid that doesn't quite know all the latest fads and gadgets - but that's the role i've been in pretty much my whole life so i'm ok with that......yay, thanks facebook for making me feel like i fit in and i'm not too old!......
Thursday, November 13, 2008
where to start???......
boy a lot has happened since my last post 2 weeks ago!......
hmm, what else is new with the little one in the last 2 weeks?.....well she's officially entered the world of fruits - her first fruit was usual, she loves them!......but we regressed back to veggies this week for green beans.......i think next week is going to be papayas......mmm......
oh and turning to world affairs for a moment, we're crazy excited about barack obama winning the's about time we have an intelligent human being in there that actually inspires people to be achieve more than just being slugs and caring about their own lives......
guess that's all for now......
just today casey figured out the whole crawling thing and is now moving forward at lightning speed (well for her) AND she's discovered clapping and has been doing it all day's hysterical......i gotta get a video of the clapping......i have one of the crawling on my phone, but it's really a lost cause for me to attempt to get it from my phone to the blog......i'll just become obsessed trying to figure out how to do it and will waste hours of my life trying and will be no closer to figuring it out than when i let's just take my word for it that i got a 9 second crawling video and if you're ever near me and my phone and want to see it, just ask......
also this past wednesday night casey woke up at midnight crying and was up for about an i think this may be normal for most babies, but crazy good sleeper casey hasn't woken up in the middle of the night in 5 months so we knew something was up......the next morning we felt her gums and sure enough, a little corner of a baby tooth was poking up.......of course since then her gums got crazy swollen and the tooth seems to have receeded (yes apparently that does happen) making us wonder if we just dreamt the whole thing......but her frequent battles with the crankmonster on thursday and friday confirmed it was probably for can kind of see a little white thing just under the gum now......all i can say is baby orajel and baby tylenol rock......i don't know if we could've gotten through the cranky spells without them......hopefully the worst is behind us......hmm, what else is new with the little one in the last 2 weeks?.....well she's officially entered the world of fruits - her first fruit was usual, she loves them!......but we regressed back to veggies this week for green beans.......i think next week is going to be papayas......mmm......
oh and turning to world affairs for a moment, we're crazy excited about barack obama winning the's about time we have an intelligent human being in there that actually inspires people to be achieve more than just being slugs and caring about their own lives......
guess that's all for now......
Saturday, November 1, 2008
trick or treat

our little lobster had a fun time on her first halloween......she had fun at her playgroup with her costumed friends in the morning and went trick or treating in the herself (well got daddy) some good candy.......we even snagged a costume for next year - since i picked out her lobster costume LAST halloween when i was still pregnant, we agreed that steve gets to pick next year's costume - so we saw a little yoda last night and steve was so in awe of that costume he told the kid's mom that casey's definitely going to be yoda next year - so the lady said, well this is our last kid and you can have the costume......we kinda forget about it, then around 9 there's a knock on the door with the yoda costume in a bag on our neat! steve can no longer pick on me that i got her costume a year in advance since he's now gone and done the same was a super cute costume.......
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