so wow, it's been almost 9 months since i last posted.......and what a whirlwind of a 9 months it's been.......according to my last post, steve had just pulled out nomination papers to run for city council......well the grueling campaign that used up about a grain short of EVERYTHING we had is finally over.......unfortunately out of 2800 total votes, we were 56 votes too short.....mostly for political reasons to boot......the other guy got sworn in a month ago and is still taking pot shots at steve.....while i'm over the exhaustion of running, i'm still not fully over the bitterness of losing to someone so much less qualified and deserving of the job......
also, and more importantly, we have had another kid since my last post......hannah rose was born june 12th......making us the parents of a baby born on the 14th (march - casey), 13th (nov - molly), and the 12th (hannah - june) of the month......makes remembering birthdays that much easier!......hannah's just shy of 8 months old - she's sitting up, crawling, playing with toys, eating baby food and yogurt like it's going out of style......she's an awesome baby.......only really cries when she's tired or hungry......about a month ago we transitioned her into the "kid room" so now all 3 girls are sleeping in the same room......after a rough start, it's working out ok now somehow......hannah still oftentimes (well 2 or 3 times a night) will wake up crying, but it never seems to wake casey or molly up and we just let her cry for a few minutes and she usually falls back to'll be awesome to be back to the confidence of knowing we can sleep through the night soon......
other than those 2 pretty ridiculously huge things, not a whole lot has changed since may.......casey's doing fantastically well - she's super smart (as confirmed by a research study done at her school - she tested at the level of a 5 year 9 month old!)......oh i guess that's also new since our last post - casey started preschool 2 days a week and absolutely loves it......she's at cornerstone campus where our friend gail is the director......she loves her teachers and her new friends......looking into switching schools after this year though to a program that sounds just as good and happens to be free for where we live......if she gets into that, then we'll put molly in cornerstone for 2 days a week......still lots of things up in the air there though.......molly's also doing great - she's just recently started talking up a storm and seems much more able to verbalize things than she used to - although she still stutters a bit getting things out......she's not quite as "happy" a kid as casey - but she's happy enough - and interested in everything and open to whatever.......casey's definitely her best friend.......and she's a good big sister too......
anyway, just wanted to get at least one "quick" post up to hopefully get me back into the swing of writing......hard to find a few minutes these days.......more soon - i hope!.....
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Friday, May 20, 2011
proud day......
so i have two people to be proud of hubby and my big girl casey.......
steve pulled nomination papers for ward 2 councillor this morning - his first official steps of his political career......he was really anxious and slept awful last night, but all went great this morning when we met with the city clerk and he got the paperwork he we need at least 50 signatures and to return them to city hall in order to offically be on the ballot.......
and i had to go to an impromptu dr appt this morning - had some dampness i wanted to make sure wasn't amniotic fluid and have been super crampy the last few days so called dr and they asked me to come in.......dropped molly off with my MIL, but she didn't look like she was feeling super well today so i took casey with me........well the appt that i thought was going to take 15 min ended up taking 1 1/2 hours and casey was ridiculously awesome for the entire thing.......even through a 20 min non-stress test when i couldn't move because i was hooked up to a baby monitor thingy.......of course i need to thank the inventors of mike & ikes and heart-shaped strawberry frosted donuts with sprinkles for some of her good behavior, but otherwise, it was all my big girl.......
steve pulled nomination papers for ward 2 councillor this morning - his first official steps of his political career......he was really anxious and slept awful last night, but all went great this morning when we met with the city clerk and he got the paperwork he we need at least 50 signatures and to return them to city hall in order to offically be on the ballot.......
and i had to go to an impromptu dr appt this morning - had some dampness i wanted to make sure wasn't amniotic fluid and have been super crampy the last few days so called dr and they asked me to come in.......dropped molly off with my MIL, but she didn't look like she was feeling super well today so i took casey with me........well the appt that i thought was going to take 15 min ended up taking 1 1/2 hours and casey was ridiculously awesome for the entire thing.......even through a 20 min non-stress test when i couldn't move because i was hooked up to a baby monitor thingy.......of course i need to thank the inventors of mike & ikes and heart-shaped strawberry frosted donuts with sprinkles for some of her good behavior, but otherwise, it was all my big girl.......
in case anyone is wondering why i called this blog psychoville, here's a sample "perdios to-do list":
- continue cleaning/decluttering/updating our house
- sell our house
- buy another bigger house
- pack all our stuff and move into said bigger house
- run a ward councillor campaign
- win election
- have baby #3
- keep kids 1 & 2 happy and healthy
- steve to study for PE exam
- steve to take PE exam
- steve to pass PE exam
- steve to continue to work his full time engineering job
=)......ah yes, i do remember vaguely being bored sometime about 12 years or so ago........
- continue cleaning/decluttering/updating our house
- sell our house
- buy another bigger house
- pack all our stuff and move into said bigger house
- run a ward councillor campaign
- win election
- have baby #3
- keep kids 1 & 2 happy and healthy
- steve to study for PE exam
- steve to take PE exam
- steve to pass PE exam
- steve to continue to work his full time engineering job
=)......ah yes, i do remember vaguely being bored sometime about 12 years or so ago........
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
so i went to my OB appt yesterday and got some news that i'm taking to be good news.......
my midwife was surprised at how far down the baby's head was at this point (34 weeks, 3 days) - she seemed to think the baby wouldn't be flipping over anymore, so she's in ready to go mode.......i've been getting lots of sharp pains (although nothing regular or consistent) in my lower belly which i'm also taking as signs that things will be starting soon.......hopefully i won't have to go all the way to my due date.......those last few weeks are really just idea why drs can't just induce you once you hit 36 weeks.......i'm impatient, i know........and i might just regret wanting this baby out once the reality of keeping track of 3 little humans outside the womb sets in, but for now, i just want my body, my energy, and my not-so-crabby attitude back!.......i'm sick of being a huge waddling lump that sits on the couch watching the kids play and the hubby do house stuff.......i want to play and do stuff too!......
my midwife was surprised at how far down the baby's head was at this point (34 weeks, 3 days) - she seemed to think the baby wouldn't be flipping over anymore, so she's in ready to go mode.......i've been getting lots of sharp pains (although nothing regular or consistent) in my lower belly which i'm also taking as signs that things will be starting soon.......hopefully i won't have to go all the way to my due date.......those last few weeks are really just idea why drs can't just induce you once you hit 36 weeks.......i'm impatient, i know........and i might just regret wanting this baby out once the reality of keeping track of 3 little humans outside the womb sets in, but for now, i just want my body, my energy, and my not-so-crabby attitude back!.......i'm sick of being a huge waddling lump that sits on the couch watching the kids play and the hubby do house stuff.......i want to play and do stuff too!......
selling our house......

so we've officially put our house up on the's great to have finally reached this point of repairs and updates to put it's also a little sad.......this house has been great to us - it was perfect for us for the last 6 years - just now too small to fit our growing's sad to think that casey and molly won't remember their first home.......lots of memories we'll be leaving behind.......but alas, moving is something we need to begins the process.......we're trying to sell on our own for now - hopefully it'll save us lots of money not having to pay an agent a commission and whatnot.......i think our house is listed with every free website out there.......i posted a few pictures of our house here so we won't forget it once we've moved!.......once we start showing the house and getting offers in, we'll start more actively looking for our next house......but it could take a while, so no sense spending tons of time looking at other houses until then.......
stay tuned!...... Saturday, April 30, 2011
t-minus 49 days.....
ok so it's been a while since my last post!......every time i say i'm going to buckle down and post more, it fails miserably!......a friend of ours with two little girls (well they're like 9 and 7 now i think) told us she dubbed this time when her kids were this little "the blurry years".......i'm starting to see what she means!.......
so updates first i #3's due date is now 49 days away.......some days that seems like no time at all - especially when i think it's the last 49 days of my life i'll ever be pregnant, but other days it literally seems like years away - i just can't imagine getting any bigger, let alone 7 weeks more's funny how differently i'm carrying this one and they've all been girls......i'm almost 100% all baby this time - i envied women that looked like they swallowed a basketball but didn't look puffy or prego anywhere else on their body.......last two times i was a puffy hot mess........but this time i haven't gotten too puffy - only in the last week or so have i noticed some very slight leg/foot swelling, but hardly noticable at all......i have stopped envying those swallowed a basketball women - this much weight all in your belly is crazy.......lately i've also felt some cramping/tightening - which i'm not sure if they're those braxton hicks contractions or not - i didn't have any contractions with casey and molly until after my water broke and they induced me.......the monitor they had me hooked up to told me when i was having the first stage of contractions so i never really put much thought into them until they starting hurting like i'm not sure what to make of these.......wondering if it's a sign i'll be early - fingers crossed on that one!.......i know 33 weeks is a little early to deliver, but sometime in the next few weeks would be perfect with me!.......
ok onto molly updates (might as well go youngest to oldest this post!).......i feel like molly's been constantly sick this entire winter and spring.......we had our first bout with conjunctivitis a couple weeks ago.......molly started it with a pretty bad case of it, then casey got a very mild case and i also got a slight case as well as they like tylenol and pretty much any other medicine we've ever had to give them, putting that gel into their eyeballs 3x a day for 7 days was definitely not something either of them (or me!) that that's passed, we're back to a stomach bug along with a fever for molly.......after her follow up visit to the gastroentemologist during which we learned she actually went down one percentile in weight (8th to the 7th), she had 3 consecutive days of barely eating any solid food at's lunch of mac & cheese was her first real meal and i'm hoping it stays down......good news on that is that she's been drinking like usual, so although the pediatrician advised against dairy, she's been drinking milk and juice so she's still getting some might be the saddest thing ever though when she pulls her shirt up and says "betty hurt" (she hasn't quite gotten around to pronoucing her L's) and you know there's no medicine or anything i can give her to make it better.......aside from the sicknesses though, molly's doing great.......she's really coming into her own personality - unluckily for us, she seems to have quite the imp-ish streak.......says "no" pretty regularly and will throw an all out tantrum even before she's hit 18 months old.......she seems to understand when we tell her not to do something, but goes right ahead and does it anyway.......she's constantly climbing onto chairs, then standing on the chair, then getting into anything she can reach from there (climbing onto tables, drinking sodas/coffees that happen to be on said table, playing with the phone, turning off the laptop, etc)'s a bit maddening at times, but she's so damn cute doing it it's really hard to get mad about any of it.......can't wait till she can understand time-outs!.......she's still an awful napper - we're at 1-2 naps a day lasting anywhere from 20 min to an hour......two 1-hr naps in a day is pretty unheard of........most of the time it's more like one 1-hr nap or two 20-min naps.......she's so incredibly different from casey who was a religious two 2-hr a day napper (totalling 4 nap hours) and who aimed to please us so much that she hardly ever disobeyed once she understood something was "bad".......oh and molly is quite the daddy's girl.......
now for casey.......well since my last post, she turned 3 - which i guess means she's now past the "terrible 2s" and into the "even more terrible 3s" stage.......she didn't really have a "bad" 2s - she only threw 1 tantrum that i can remember, but she did learn "no" and how to let us know if something wasn't what she wanted......but 3 has proven to be a different animal - she's throwing tantrums multiple times a day over silly little things, demanding to do things herself even if she hasn't yet learned how to do them, and overall thinking that what she wants to do trumps what we want her to it's been a bit of a struggle trying to get all these new behaviors under control.......i don't want her to turn into a bratty kid so i'm trying to nip as many in the bud as i can........i find it the most difficult when it seems that i've figured out a way to stop something like a tantrum, then steve or my parents or steve's parents try to intervene and do it either a different way or undermind my method - it gets we all either need to get on the same page here or just try to ride the train out until the behaviors pass........she's such a good kid that i can't imagine they'll be around long.......she tries to help with everything and overall is a really happy energetic kid.......she says the most hysterical things - i really should write them all down, but alas, you know how that would go!.......having nothing to compare her to really, i'm not sure if she's super smart or not, but she seems it........she can tell you the first letter of pretty much any word you throw at her........she knows all the letter sounds and all that.......she can count up to about 50 or so........and she's working on writing her letters and identifying numbers (not quite as easy for her as the letters for some reason)......and she can pretty much memorize a book after 1-2 readings of it - and will readily correct you if you skip or mis-pronounce a word (which alternates between being something that i laugh at and get annoyed at!)......
anyhow, that's the kid update........steve is in atlantic city with the poker guys for the weekend......he'll be back tomorrow afternoon thank god - you don't realize how important even one hour of not-being-the-only-parent-time is until you don't have it for a few days......i'll definitely be happy when he's home.......not to say i didn't miss him in my own right, but i've missed sharing the parenting too!.......and at 33 weeks prego, i know i'm not the most patient or fun mom around.......
ok enough for one post!.......hopefully i'll be back before baby #3 comes to give more frequent updates from psychoville......
so updates first i #3's due date is now 49 days away.......some days that seems like no time at all - especially when i think it's the last 49 days of my life i'll ever be pregnant, but other days it literally seems like years away - i just can't imagine getting any bigger, let alone 7 weeks more's funny how differently i'm carrying this one and they've all been girls......i'm almost 100% all baby this time - i envied women that looked like they swallowed a basketball but didn't look puffy or prego anywhere else on their body.......last two times i was a puffy hot mess........but this time i haven't gotten too puffy - only in the last week or so have i noticed some very slight leg/foot swelling, but hardly noticable at all......i have stopped envying those swallowed a basketball women - this much weight all in your belly is crazy.......lately i've also felt some cramping/tightening - which i'm not sure if they're those braxton hicks contractions or not - i didn't have any contractions with casey and molly until after my water broke and they induced me.......the monitor they had me hooked up to told me when i was having the first stage of contractions so i never really put much thought into them until they starting hurting like i'm not sure what to make of these.......wondering if it's a sign i'll be early - fingers crossed on that one!.......i know 33 weeks is a little early to deliver, but sometime in the next few weeks would be perfect with me!.......
ok onto molly updates (might as well go youngest to oldest this post!).......i feel like molly's been constantly sick this entire winter and spring.......we had our first bout with conjunctivitis a couple weeks ago.......molly started it with a pretty bad case of it, then casey got a very mild case and i also got a slight case as well as they like tylenol and pretty much any other medicine we've ever had to give them, putting that gel into their eyeballs 3x a day for 7 days was definitely not something either of them (or me!) that that's passed, we're back to a stomach bug along with a fever for molly.......after her follow up visit to the gastroentemologist during which we learned she actually went down one percentile in weight (8th to the 7th), she had 3 consecutive days of barely eating any solid food at's lunch of mac & cheese was her first real meal and i'm hoping it stays down......good news on that is that she's been drinking like usual, so although the pediatrician advised against dairy, she's been drinking milk and juice so she's still getting some might be the saddest thing ever though when she pulls her shirt up and says "betty hurt" (she hasn't quite gotten around to pronoucing her L's) and you know there's no medicine or anything i can give her to make it better.......aside from the sicknesses though, molly's doing great.......she's really coming into her own personality - unluckily for us, she seems to have quite the imp-ish streak.......says "no" pretty regularly and will throw an all out tantrum even before she's hit 18 months old.......she seems to understand when we tell her not to do something, but goes right ahead and does it anyway.......she's constantly climbing onto chairs, then standing on the chair, then getting into anything she can reach from there (climbing onto tables, drinking sodas/coffees that happen to be on said table, playing with the phone, turning off the laptop, etc)'s a bit maddening at times, but she's so damn cute doing it it's really hard to get mad about any of it.......can't wait till she can understand time-outs!.......she's still an awful napper - we're at 1-2 naps a day lasting anywhere from 20 min to an hour......two 1-hr naps in a day is pretty unheard of........most of the time it's more like one 1-hr nap or two 20-min naps.......she's so incredibly different from casey who was a religious two 2-hr a day napper (totalling 4 nap hours) and who aimed to please us so much that she hardly ever disobeyed once she understood something was "bad".......oh and molly is quite the daddy's girl.......
now for casey.......well since my last post, she turned 3 - which i guess means she's now past the "terrible 2s" and into the "even more terrible 3s" stage.......she didn't really have a "bad" 2s - she only threw 1 tantrum that i can remember, but she did learn "no" and how to let us know if something wasn't what she wanted......but 3 has proven to be a different animal - she's throwing tantrums multiple times a day over silly little things, demanding to do things herself even if she hasn't yet learned how to do them, and overall thinking that what she wants to do trumps what we want her to it's been a bit of a struggle trying to get all these new behaviors under control.......i don't want her to turn into a bratty kid so i'm trying to nip as many in the bud as i can........i find it the most difficult when it seems that i've figured out a way to stop something like a tantrum, then steve or my parents or steve's parents try to intervene and do it either a different way or undermind my method - it gets we all either need to get on the same page here or just try to ride the train out until the behaviors pass........she's such a good kid that i can't imagine they'll be around long.......she tries to help with everything and overall is a really happy energetic kid.......she says the most hysterical things - i really should write them all down, but alas, you know how that would go!.......having nothing to compare her to really, i'm not sure if she's super smart or not, but she seems it........she can tell you the first letter of pretty much any word you throw at her........she knows all the letter sounds and all that.......she can count up to about 50 or so........and she's working on writing her letters and identifying numbers (not quite as easy for her as the letters for some reason)......and she can pretty much memorize a book after 1-2 readings of it - and will readily correct you if you skip or mis-pronounce a word (which alternates between being something that i laugh at and get annoyed at!)......
anyhow, that's the kid update........steve is in atlantic city with the poker guys for the weekend......he'll be back tomorrow afternoon thank god - you don't realize how important even one hour of not-being-the-only-parent-time is until you don't have it for a few days......i'll definitely be happy when he's home.......not to say i didn't miss him in my own right, but i've missed sharing the parenting too!.......and at 33 weeks prego, i know i'm not the most patient or fun mom around.......
ok enough for one post!.......hopefully i'll be back before baby #3 comes to give more frequent updates from psychoville......
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